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red lobster restaurant reviews

:: red lobster restaurant address ::

1540 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB
Phone: (204) 783-9434
Score: 5.60/10

Overall Score 
# Date Reviewed Reviewed By Score Comment
1    Tue Aug 24 08:37:27 2004 rosecruise 5.60 Still go to this restaurant as it is the only one that I can find with the type of food that I want. However, if given a choice - I would not go. For example on my birthday, I was served meat that had rotted and crab legs that were ice cold - not cool but ice COLD.
2    Tue Aug 24 08:37:23 2004 rosecruise 5.60 Still go to this restaurant as it is the only one that I can find with the type of food that I want. However, if given a choice - I would not go. For example on my birthday, I was served meat that had rotted and crab legs that were ice cold - not cool but ice COLD.
3    Tue Aug 24 08:37:18 2004 rosecruise 5.60 Still go to this restaurant as it is the only one that I can find with the type of food that I want. However, if given a choice - I would not go. For example on my birthday, I was served meat that had rotted and crab legs that were ice cold - not cool but ice COLD.   new reviews
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