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Foodinc  Bruce Trail Eatery a Family Restaurant in Campbellville, Ontario

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Foodinc Reviews
"This place, now called The Trail Eatery, is often busy and provides the local businesses and weekend backroad cyclists with a convenient and economical place to stop for a snack or meal. The current owner, Peter, has operated the business for over 13 years. There is seating for about 40 people and the Eatery operates as a cafeteria. It also has a patio on the east side seating 12 or more. Lots of parking in the Christello's Market Place (home to the local LCBO outlet). Pizza is the most popular dish offered. Service is fast."
Sun Sep 2 08:58:17 2007

Bruce Trail Eatery

35 Crawford Cres
Campbellville, Ontario
(905) 854-2505

Family Restaurant

breakfast served
catering available
parking available
take-out available
  Hours of Operation:
Not Provided
Cost:  Less than $25

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