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Foodinc  Homestead Cookhouse a American Restaurant in Port Alberni, British Columbia

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Only the best is good enough for our customers and friends! All soups and chilis are made from scratch using the very best ingredients. Hamburgers are made with aaa black angus reserve beef. One of very few establishments that offer BC bison on their menus. The salads at homestead cookhouse are made with the very freshest produce. Slow smoked, pulled pork and brisket available. Very popular menu items are really tasty. Homestead is for busy people who want great fast food. Anyone looking to lose weight and need to monitor their daily calories.

Homestead Cookhouse

10-5440 Argyle Street
Port Alberni, British Columbia
(778) 421-2665

American Restaurant

take-out available
  Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 11-7
Saturday 9:30 - 7
Sunday Closed (In Winter)

Cost:  Less than $25

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