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Foodinc  Platters Restaurant a Canadian Restaurant in Stirling, Ontario

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Foodinc Reviews
" Platter's has a great country setting giving the at home feel in a beautiful country home with an outdoor patio over looking main street in Sterling . The food presentation was very pleasing and well done . Great service with the wonderful food has made all my many dining experiences a pleasure at Platters .A pleasant experience that is sure to have you returning .Just love them sweet potato fries . Allen Jackson Brinston ON. K0E1C0"
Mon Apr 2 11:52:31 2007
"Platter's has a great country setting in a beautiful country home with a outdoor patio over looking main street in Sterling . The food presentation was very pleasing and well done . Great service with the wonderful food made the meal a pleasant experience that is sure to have you returning .Just love them sweet potato fries . Allen Jackson Iroquois On."
Mon Apr 2 11:23:35 2007

Platters Restaurant

36 West Front St.
Stirling, Ontario
K0K 3E0
(613) 395-5447

Canadian Restaurant

breakfast served
brunch served
catering available
children's menu available
credit cards accepted
interac available
reservations accepted
romantic setting
take-out available
  Hours of Operation:
Closed Mondays

Cost:  Less than $25

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