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Foodinc  Aulac Irving Big Stop a Family Restaurant in Aulac, New Brunswick

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Foodinc Reviews
Thu Sep 20 11:58:53 2007
"This place is a classic down home maritime restaurant. Overall- The Aulac Big Stop is our favorite Highway Restaurant when traveling in the Atlantic Provinces. This place is more than your average highway Truck Stop; we always find the service really fast and the food top notch. They offer an excellent breakfast “The Aulac Special” any time of day or night and our other favorite is their club sandwich, always made with loads of real turkey and tasty bacon. This place is like eating at mom’s, real food and a friendly atmosphere, the daily specials are usually good and made of local fair, we like the fish cakes and baked beans. The milkshakes are just so so, but everything else is worth going back for. "
Sat May 10 12:16:48 2003

Aulac Irving Big Stop

170 Aulac Rd
Aulac, New Brunswick
(506) 536-1339

Family Restaurant

breakfast served
brunch served
catering available
children's menu available
credit cards accepted
interac available
open late
reservations accepted
romantic setting
smoke free
take-out available
  Hours of Operation:
Not Provided
Cost:  Less than $25

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