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Foodinc  John Gyles Motor Inn a Family Restaurant in Woodstock, New Brunswick

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Foodinc Reviews
"Excellent food, no complaints! Friendly staff."
Wed May 17 12:43:33 2006
"This is like a little trip to Germany. Wonderful hosts. Hearfelt welcome. The food was really German from the potato pancakes to the sausages and the chicken cordon bleu perfectly cooked and succulent. We stop here as often as we can. After a wonderful meal we traipse through the lovely garden and fall into the comfortable firm beds anticipating a delicious homey breakfast complete with well appointed jokes. Wonderful."
Tue Sep 2 22:29:41 2003
"This is like a little trip to Germany. Wonderful hosts. Hearfelt welcome. The food was really German from the potato pancakes to the sausages and the chicken cordon bleu perfectly cooked and succulent. We stop here as often as we can. After a wonderful meal we traipse through the lovely garden and fall into the comfortable firm beds anticipating a delicious homey breakfast complete with well appointed jokes. Wonderful."
Tue Sep 2 22:29:34 2003

John Gyles Motor Inn

RR 1 Transcanada Hwy
Woodstock, New Brunswick

(506) 328-6622

Family Restaurant

  Hours of Operation:
Not Provided

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