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Foodinc  Kopper Kettle a Restaurant in Morden, Manitoba

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Foodinc Reviews
"OK. my parents just bought the KK from the existing owners - Aug. 07 - and found a review online. Some "anonymous" COWARD left a mean review. Totally uncalled for. If you are gonna leave unconstructive criticism then at least don't be a coward and not leave your name. SO uncalled for. It's people like you who had a bad life and need to take it out on others who work hard. Hope you die. CHRIS CABILDO. come find me... "
Thu Sep 20 20:04:55 2007
"This is the best restaurant EVER!! It ROCKS man! The food is great! The service is INCREDIBLE!! and the dishes and the bathrooms are always SPOTLESS!! I always tip the dishwasher! She is great!!"
Thu Mar 27 15:08:10 2003

Kopper Kettle

870 Thornhill St
Morden, Manitoba
(204) 822-6100


  Hours of Operation:
Not Provided

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