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Foodinc  Mongo's Grill a Bar & Grill Restaurant in Winnipeg, Manitoba

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From fresh, crisp vegetables, meats and seafood comes the most exciting and healthy dining you'll experience anywhere.
Choose from over 25 vegetables and spices - like fresh red peppers, ginger, garlic and curry. Combine them with beef, pork, sausage, tofu, noodles, steamed rice, brown rice or make it a wrap!
Then stand back and watch our expert Chef stir fry your selection on a 650 degree grill, sealing in all the flavor for a taste experience you won't soon forget!
Unlimited flavor combinations mean a unique dining pleasure every time!

Mongo's Grill

1570 Regent Avenue West
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 786-6646

Bar & Grill Restaurant

buffet served
parking available
  Hours of Operation:
Sunday: Thursday: 11:00am - 9:00pm
Friday: Saturday: 11:00am - 10:00pm
Cost:  Between $25 and $50

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