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Foodinc  Fortune Cooking a Chinese Restaurant in Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Big portions, fair prices, yummy delicious tasting dishes of almond shrimp (#172), hot and sour soup (#111) and bbq duck soup (#7). Highly recommend pan grill shrimp in black bean and garlic sauce (#154) and singapore noodles (#170)
the best lemon chicken (#63) in town! phone 774-7888.

Foodinc Reviews
"A definite step up from Sumhay (the owner's previous restaurant). Food portions are fantastic and the shrimp dishes are well worth the price (I believe they are serving prawns instead of shrimp in most dishes). The service leaves a lot to be desired, but mostly because the place is packed every time we go in. Just leave yourself lots of time and be patient for your food and it will be well worth it! I recommend the lemon chicken (trust me, it's not like any other you've had before), almond breaded shrimp, and the Fortune Cooking noodles in black bean sauce. Fantastic! Plus start with the consumme soup, biggest bowl in town."
Fri Aug 24 18:28:12 2007

Fortune Cooking

1045 St. James (By The Brick And Xcargo)
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 7747888

Chinese Restaurant

catering available
credit cards accepted
interac available
parking available
reservations accepted
smoke free
smoking allowed
take-out available
  Hours of Operation:
Open Everyday (Including Holidays) From 11am-11pm

Cost:  Less than $25

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