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Foodinc  Royal Fork Buffet Restaurant a Family Restaurant in Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Foodinc Reviews
"This is a great place for a family. We have two children 5 & 7 who love going there because they feel like they are in control of their meal. The staff is always very pleasant and helpful. The Chicken is very good along with the salad selection and for our children the dessert/desert bar is their all time favourite. They can create whatever they want. Prices are just a few dollars over a fast food restaurant for a family of 4 like ours, so when you take into account you eat with real plates, forks, etc. it's very worth while to go there. We were given gift certificates for Christmas and the entire family was thrilled. Keep working hard and we will be back. "
Tue Jun 1 01:43:38 2004

Royal Fork Buffet Restaurant

1615 Regent Ave W # 900
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 668-1960

Family Restaurant

buffet served
  Hours of Operation:
Not Provided

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